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General terms & conditions

Disclaimer of liability

North Central College maintains this website to support its mission and to be of service to its students and their parents, its faculty, staff, alumni, friends and supporters, as well as for general public use.

The trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and other intellectual property in this site are owned by the College and may not be used in any electronic, printed publication or other format without the express prior written permission of NC.

North Central College makes a reasonable attempt to ensure that the information on its site is accurate and up to date. NC makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained in this site or any site linked to or from NC’s site.  NC reserves the right to change programs, policies and services described in this site at any time without notice, and NC will not be liable for any actual special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or inability to use, the materials in this site.

The views and opinions expressed by individual faculty, staff and students on personal webpages found within the NC website are strictly those of the page authors.

For the user’s convenience, links are provided to other non-College sites. These links are for informational purposes only. NC is not responsible for the content of these sites. NC does not endorse or approve the entities operating these sites.

This website may be unavailable from time to time due to mechanical, telecommunication, software, hardware and third-party vendor failures. NC cannot predict or control when such downtime may occur and cannot control the duration of such downtime.

Links to Other Sites

Our site contains links to other websites maintained or controlled by third parties. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which North Central College has no responsibility. We encourage you to read the privacy notices on all third party sites as their policies may be different than ours.

We may also provide social media features that enable you to share information with your social networks and to interact with North Central College on various social media sites. Please note that when you share your information on these social media sites, you are entering a third party site for which North Central College has no responsibility.

In addition, your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you, depending on the feature, by the third party social media site. We encourage you to review the privacy policies, notices and settings on the social media sites with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that may be collected, used, and shared by those sites.

Compliance with Legal Requirements

North Central College does not discriminate against applicants, students, faculty or staff on the basis of race, religion, age, disabilities, national or ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation, status as a veteran or any classification protected by local, state or federal law.